There is a vibrancy after a concert, a deep satisfaction and glow. These are some of my favorite images as they capture the vivaciousness and warmth that permeates us after an evening of music. This is the stuff we live for!
With Drori Mondlak, Anil Bilgen and Henning Sieverts in Bad Aussee, Austria (photo: Bernd Wimmer)
With Rainer Böhm, Thomas Stabenow and Drori Mondlak at Klosterruine Heisterbach
With Rainer Böhm, Hans Glawischnig and Drori Mondlak at Altes Pfandhaus (photo: Gerhard Richter)
With Drori Mondlak, Philippe Aerts and Rainer Böhm at Festung Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz (photo: Karl-Heinz Krauskopf)
With Hans Vroomans, Drori Mondlak and Thomas Stabenow in Nadelfabrik Aachen (photo: Klaus Zebner)
With Hans Vroomans, Drori Mondlak and Thomas Stabenow in Nadelfabrik Aachen (photo: Klaus Zebner)
With Hans Glawischnig, Drori Mondlak and Rainer Böhm at Altes Pfandhaus Köln (photo: Gerhard Richter)
With Hans Glawischnig, Drori Mondlak and Rainer Böhm at Altes Pfandhaus Köln (photo: Gerhard Richter)
With Frank Chastenier Thomas Stabenow and Drori Mondlak at Skulpturenpark Wuppertal (photo: Karl-Heinz Krauskopf)
With Drori Mondlak, Josh Ginsburg and David Friedman at Zig-Zag Club in Berlin (photo: Eric Pawlitzky)
With Billy Test, Drori Mondlak and Thomas Stabenow at Kamillus Kolumbarium in Mönchengladbach)
With Henning Sieverts, Ail Bilgen and Drori Mondlak in Bad Aussee, Austria (photo: Bernd Wimmer)
With Henning Sieverts, Ail Bilgen and Drori Mondlak in Bad Aussee, Austria (photo: Bernd Wimmer)
With Billy Test, Drori Mondlak and Thomas Stabenow at Kamillus Kolumbarium in Mönchengladbach)
With Rainer Böhm, Philippe Aerts and Drori Mondlak at Saarbrücker Jazztage
With Rainer Böhm, Cliff Schmitt and Drori Mondlak at Cube 521 in Marnach, Luxembourg (photo: Filip Veirman)
With Barbara Dennerlein, Drori Mondlak at Klosterruine Heisterbach (photo: Karl-Heinz Krauskopf)
With Barbara Dennerlein, Drori Mondlak at Klosterruine Heisterbach (photo: Karl-Heinz Krauskopf)
Music really can uplift the spirits. Its exuberance, strength and joy guide me through good times and bad.
in the flow
Being in the moment and creating music with other people—and for other people⎯is what makes me feel alive and gives me a deep sense of meaning and belonging.
Thank you to photographers Helge Strauss and Claudia Hunter for their keen eye.
During my tenure in Chico Hamilton’s quintet Euphoria, I asked him one night how he never got tired of talking to people after each concert. He was in his eighties, had just played an exhausting gig and replied, “In jazz, we don’t make fans. We make friends.”
Here are a few impressions of making friends with listeners and fellow musicians.